Jumanji: the next level

I saw this on Netflix. I saw this because I’ve seen the first one and it was ok and secondly because it some got some ok reviews. See more at Rotten Tomatoes. It was very long and about too long. I don’t many details from the first one, so Eddie and Milo’s partnership gone wrong was a bit confusing. Also each character has 2 names, one in real life and one inside the game, made it confusing. And on top of that some of the characters changed the role they played during the movie, so that was very confusing.

Ghostbusters II

I saw this on Netflix. It is a long time ago I saw the first one, so I can not remember how god it was. I think the second one is a typical sequel. The money behind the first film found out “we should milk this moneymaker of a movie, let’s make a sequel”. The script is not very good and the story is almost non-existing. There are some jokes here and there and Bill Murray has a lot of jokes, but they are not funny all of them. See more at Rotten Tomatoes.