Jägarna (Danish: jægerne, English: the hunters)

I saw this film on national tv. I’ve seen it before – maybe when it was brandnew and shown in cinemas. Watching it now, it was not a very good experience. Too much unnecessary action and explosions and such, and too little drama. The characters were also no convincing. I like  See more at IMDB.

Fever pitch (1997) (Danish: fodboldfeber)

I saw this on the Danish libraries moviesite Filmstriben. See more at Rotten Tomatoes. The main character is a Arsenal supporter and the season that is in the film is where the team I support Liverpool loses the championship to no other but Arsenal in the last minute of the last game of the season, so that particular “highlight” is something I can easily forget.

The man who captured Eichmann

I saw this on (ahem) YouTube in a somewhat bad quality of 360p. I’ve read a book about the capture and abduction of Eichmann to Israel, so this movie has to cut a lot of stuff to make it 1,5 hours long. It emphasises the talk between Eichmann and the Israeli watchman. The preparation for the actual operation was not a big part of the movie. And Duvall had a typical German accent, where “the” was pronounced more like “sthe”. I’ve also seen the tv-series that was made called “The Eichmann Show”. See more at IMDB.


I saw this on Danish national tv. A cranky old man her was Knut Hamsun. Not easy to get along and his parenting or being a husband was not one of his succesfull traits. I still don’t know why he chose side with the Germans in WWII – it seems he hated the English more than he loved the Germans. See more at Rotten Tomatoes.