Tristram Shandy: a cock and bull story)

I saw this hilarious movie on the Danish libraries moviesite Filmstriben. See more at Rotten Tomatoes. Most of the movie is Coogan and Brydon fighting for being the best of something and ridiculing each other. They’ve repeated the setup a number of times in The Trip movies, there are 3 I believe, I’ve seen Trip to Spain.

Midsomer Murders: fit for murder (Danish: Barnaby: i form til mord)

I saw this on national Danish tv. See more at IMDB. This is from season 13, final episode no. 8. I have to say that it was not so good compared to an episode of Morse. A bit too much of a farce. I believe this is the last episode of Midsomer Murders that John Nettles played the main part in. I guess he was a bit tired of playing that role – he doesn’t look ready for anything really.